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I send advice, ideas, and tips to 20,000 creative people like you each week — free.
Really needed to hear this..🙏🏼😇 What you do is amazing it’s just freaking awesome. There’s no other way to put it. And you are so freaking cool and everyone and the idea in the way you do it, etc I just keep watching and reading your emails and thinking wow this is awesome! So I needed this message lol. Thank you for encouraging all of us brothers and sisters out here. God bless you bro.!😇 — Sadie Ann Grace Brewer
Thank you so much for your Essays and your many great appreciative and motivational posts on youtube. I am very excited and very glad that I discovered you. — Christine Tischer
Frikkin brilliant…as always…you are a fresh wind that blows through my brain weekly. — Sandi Howell
I have to let you know that I don’t read much, but always read your essays when they drop in. You have such a lovely way of writing…..in kind of ‘layman’s terms’, and funny too. Keep on writing… — Sue Henson
I read your essays EVERY Friday morning with my coffee. I look forward to them, and always some part makes me laugh or smile. — Connie Teeple
Thank you so very much because you made it so simple to start, when I thought it was a trip to Everest, you made it easy like a bicycle ride. You are a shot of motivation for people like me. THANK YOU. — Mila
What a brilliant essay to embrace the beauty of the creative in all of us! Loved it! — Alison Hendry
You make me chuckle, snicker, chortle, giggle, titter, and smile! — Gretta Benson
Danny, you’re delightful… so enjoy your newsletter… very encouraging to an 82 year old “I can do anything, just name it” type of person…keep creating… it’s extremely therapeutic and keeps us young…” Be Blessed”…. — Pat
Danny thank you soo much! What a great human you are to share as you do! — Char Montgomery
Every week I love your reflections that so often mirror mine. Thanks for sharing your reflections, insights and talents! — Chris Efner
Danny, your writing is beyond inspirational; always a joy to read; hits the spot. God knows you wrap our gifts beautifully. Many thanx for all the constant work you do for all of us . . .— Marla K. Brumbaugh
Thank you for all the effort you put into helping people of the world (maybe the universe, we don't know) feel more at ease with their own creativity! Thank you, Danny, for helping me feel more at ease with my own creativity. — Ginger Harper
You voice universal experiences so honestly and well! Kudos on the courageous reaching out while you’re reaching in. I really appreciate it, because now I’m not alone. I know I’m not the only one on your email list that feels that way. Thank you sincerely (and cheers!) — Susan Hudgens
I can't tell you what a balm your essays can be to this fellow monkey brain!
If nothing else, it helps me so much to know that I am not alone! There is a
creative genius out there in Arizona who writes like C. S. Lewis did to let out
all of the thoughts that are flying around in his head simply to see what he thinks
and to make sense of this thing called LIFE! — Quiet
I just want to thank you for the heart-warming, humorous, helpful essays that I enjoy so much.
— Elizabeth Barnes
Every one of your essays has given me fresh angles to look at life and also reminders of what really matters, what really counts for a fulfilling and creative life. Thank you for always being so real and down to earth with your viewpoints. It's food for my soul. — Carol Lim

Danny Gregory, author of 12 bestselling books on creativity
Let me tell you some more:
I’ve been making things my whole life, but every so often I hit a wall. Or I have no good ideas. Or a voice in my head talks me into loathing myself and everything I do.
But you know what? I have found lots of ways to push past all that crap and get back to work. They can help you too.
So each week, I sit down and think about what is happening with me and share how I see and solve it. Things like how to develop a creative habit or how to deal with the inner critic, how to face life’s challenges creatively, how to get more, better ideas.
I’ve been writing about this stuff for a quarter of a century, and I‘ve published a dozen books on the subject. Now I want to help you — and it won’t cost a thin dime.
I know you don’t have endless time and already get way too many emails. So I’ll make it simple, clear, and interesting — and I won’t try to hustle you.
Sign up, and let’s get to it.
Still on the fence? How about a free book?
Let me send you this ebook of a few of my essays just to whet your whistle.
It’s short. Fun. Smart. Kinda like me.
You’ll like it. And it’s well worth the price.

This is what I needed today. And your hilarious way of using words to draw pictures makes it even more relevant. — Kay Perret